Wednesday 17 July 2013

Enjoy your life

Do you think you deserve to enjoy life? Well, God does! I love the old school hymn “All things bright and beautiful…”. Do take time to look it up. It’s a hymn I sing whenever I feel my life is getting pointless and I have been singing it since 3rd grade. It describes the beauty of nature around us and how God gave us our senses to admire, relish and enjoy what He has made. I strongly believe God’s mandate for each one of our lives is – we worship our Creator and enjoy His creations while we are here.

God has been communicating to humanity since humans ever walked on this earth. He does that even now. All your dreams, vision for your life, deep yearnings in your heart when you see injustice around you, longing to live life more passionately – All this is from God. He is the creator of your intellect, imagination, intelligence everything that comprises the unique creation – you.

How many of us get up each morning to enjoy life? We can find umpteen reasons to worry, fret, fear, and regret; but enjoy?

Most of our misery comes from yesterday or tomorrow, both of which are out of our control zone. We can imagine that we are going to live forever and that we can control our every single circumstance, but sadly these are just lies. And we don’t have time for that. You better start enjoying life and search for meaning in it than go about dealing seriously with insignificant stuff.

Few practical steps to intentionally enjoy life

1) Raise a little early in the morning and spend the first one hour in solitude. Read positive quotes and books. Navy houses are situated at some of the best locations in India. So make the most of it. Sit in the balcony, watch the sea and just be still. Listen to your heart and write down what you hear. (Don’t fall asleep ;) make sure you have a cup of some hot beverage with you)

2) Write your own story with you as the heroine and all the cool stuff you did in life. You are married to a naval officer, so obviously you must be an interesting personality. You will have a lot to write about yourself. And don’t worry about writing the stupid incidents and people in your life. Just skip them and write the good part. :) Let this be your favorite heart-warming novel that you read often.

3) The world would be a different place if only people understood that “As they think so shall they be”. The most important thing to be guarded more than jewelry and money is this – your mind. An unfocused mind is literally devil’s workshop. I give you permission to deploy the weapon I use against that mind-stealer called satan. I quote relevant verses from the bible. For instance if he puts irrational fear in my mind regarding the safety of my family members I quote psalm 91 or psalm 23, whichever is appropriate. I simply don’t let the joy-stealer enter my mind and occupy it.

All of us have the desire to enjoy life but find little reason to do that. Because we have been taught that we should not be enjoying life rather we should be doing something worthwhile. But the truth is if we don’t enjoy what we do, it can’t be worthwhile. Yes, brains and stamina are needed for work but so is the heart. You don’t have to be miserable to get work done. Simply allow your heart to add meaning to what you are doing and even the most mundane job can become sacred and meaningful and hence worthwhile. We all have our places on this earth. We simply have to find them and start enjoying. God bless. 


  1. ur blog is full of loads of +ve energy.just love it :)

  2. Very well put..Full of much needed positivity!
