Sunday, 13 May 2012

Welcoming Party (?!?) Whats that ?

Navy welcomes its ladies in style. I had my welcoming party in a BEAUTIFUL restaurant that really floored me. I was invited with a lovely bouquet and a hand written card by my hubby's boss' wife with the whole officer's company and their ladies applauding. As a young girl out of college, it was a huge thing for me! They did manage to impress me with all the pomp and style. :)

Dressing up for a party is no big deal. If the party is in a restaurant just dress comfortably, sleep well in the afternoon (parties tend to go late into the night), don't think too much about how people are going to treat you (they are usually very nice) and give positive affirmations to yourself (if you are the shy kind).

If the party is on board a  ship be sure to read these tips.

* No high heels. There are too many ladders, ramps and dented (for a purpose) floors in the ship. You might end up twisting your ankle or worse, feeling foolish in front of everyone. Wear flats.

* If you are already comfortable climbing the steep stairways in a ship then go with a saree. But if this is the first time on board then this is not the time to show off all your wedding collections. Pick a suit/ jean with a beautiful top. Just don't go with something that flows all over the place or requires you to hold it with your hand. You need both your hands to climb up and down with dignity. Trust me.

* Salty ocean air makes your face oily after sometime. Have wet tissues / hand kerchiefs dabbed with powder / compact along with you.

* If its summer then don't make the mistake of leaving your long hair down your back. You will sweat like crazy. Tie your hair up in a pony or get a stylish bun done in the beauty parlor.

* Keep yourself hydrated with the juices they serve on board. Don't think about dieting just now. Having a juice in hand comes handy when there is nothing interesting to converse with the lady sitting next to you.

* Once you are on board, make it a point to greet everyone with a friendly smile and a "hello". Thank the sailors serving food for you.

* When your husband takes you around to be introduced to different officers, have a warm smile and be sure to answer only questions directed at you. Don't jump and start a conversation until you are adept at reading the rank of the person(through the stripes they wear on their shirts) and knowing how senior he is to your husband.

* Sit with the younger looking ladies. I always follow this precaution. I make it a point to greet everyone and make a beeline towards the young ladies. But many times I have been VERY pleasantly surprised by lovely ladies who are so humble despite their husband's high ranks and who actually make an effort to help you feel comfortable.

* Always keep an eye on your husband (who will be standing on the other end of the ship) to get any hints. Sometimes in a welcoming party you are the one to start the buffet and also the first to leave the ship. It would be a little awkward if you are not in sync with him.

Lastly be yourself. Don't try to be someone else. Hold your head high and be confident of the unique person you are.


  1. your blog helped me a lot...
    thanx a lot..

  2. hello mam,
    your article was really good.but while searching on internet i found something was written that you have to please senior officer wives otherwise your husband will be scolded because of it so??is it compulsory to attend the parties?can't we have our own life?

    please reply mam
    i really want to know...

    thanx in advance

  3. Thanks for checking out my blog. Glad to be of help. As for your question about senior officers' wives - DON'T WORRY ! They aren't as crazy as you think.

    Be polite and maintain a respectful distance with senior ladies. You may attend NWWA (Naval Wives Welfare Association) meetings (but they aren't compulsory). In a small ship you may receive more responsibilities from the CO's wife. A larger ship has more ladies so you can dodge until you settle in comfortably. Trust me there are some eager beavers who want the lime light. So you can easily pass it off to them :)

    People should respect you and your life. You are not a slave to anyone even in the traditional Indian Navy culture. So it is up to you to be cool, confident and clear about your limits. Your hubby's work will speak for himself. You shouldn't be dragged into getting points for him.

    As for ship's parties - attend them. Parties - official and unofficial are the essence of Navy life. The initial one or two may be tiring but that's how you learn to relax and enjoy this new and exciting life you share with your hubby. God bless !

  4. hey..
    You made my day.Now i don't have any doubts.I told my fiance about it and he was happy that i 'm relaxed now.He said see all are very helping have changed my prospective.Other wise i was very tensed.

    Thank you Mam..

    1. You are welcome deepa. Glad to be of help. I'll be writing more about this wonderful navy world. Keep reading. God bless.

  5. hi mam..i'm going to get married to a lieutenant.i am not so much into party culture before so do u think i can adjust to this navy culture?and i heard we have to dance in parties and etc are they true?and i have a question to ask in private msg so that i can take a firm decision of marrying him or not.can u share ur id if possible? i'm not sharing my name but i'm following ur's really helpful to younger people like us..thanks a lot :)

    1. You are welcome :) My id is Navy Culture is fun and it lets you grow into a beautiful personality. You will learn to fit into the culture just like every other lady who enters navy. Do mail me regarding anything you may be concerned about. Looking forward to hearing from you. God bless.

  6. u write so simple yet beautiful..there r gud tips for a civilian's wife too..hope to see such an amazing life in any of my births..happy writing

  7. Hi, I like reading your blog. This article was the first one I read while searching the net for any tips/articles related to Indian navy wives during our courtship period :-D
    Joined my husband 3 months after our wedding, and was particularly excited about the welcome party part... But there was no welcome party! :(
