Monday 15 April 2013


The reason I write about goal setting and having a drive to achieve it is this – You have got to have something to show for your life. Living a pointless life is very stressful. By pointless I mean, you don’t know why you are here, you have no clue where you are going, have no plans for the future. You simply get up every morning and see how it goes. I have been there, despised it and am never going back.

If God created Humans with all the intricate anatomy and physiology and a brain that scientists are yet to fully understand. I doubt that all He expects from this wonderful being is – work, eat, sleep, watch TV and exist. There has got to be something more!

I don’t want to find out on my death bed that I had not lived my life, to the hilt. I wouldn’t want anybody else to go through that either. The talk of death may sound morbid to some people but unless you realize there are only 7-10 decades of lifespan for humans how on earth will you know the importance of FOCUS?

Without focus and making deliberate wise choices we can never be happy or have anything to show for our life

Being a naval officer’s wife and having something to show for your life is quite a challenge. Your life will simply revolve around your husband. I have been through phases in my life where all I did was in response to things happening in my hubby’s life. There was no “My Life”. I had to shield my child from the pain of irregular family time, unpredictable lifestyle, ignore my own health, slog away at obscure chores and so much more. So ladies, don’t have this as an excuse – “My husband sails a lot and there are frequent transfers and so I cannot be doing anything apart from running the home”.  It is not good for you. Be independent and prove your own mettle. Many a times you will be the source of inspiration and comfort to your husband and children. Unless you are a happy inspired individual how will you help them?

Right now, think of a person you admire (not a member of your family or from your friends circle). Is this person an expert in ONE thing or an average in many things? That is what each one of us needs to be. The Nobel laureate R.P.Feynman said – “Find the one thing that delights you and do it in the most irreverent, undisciplined way possible.”

Your Cynosure is that which delights you, which comes very easily to you. Be imaginative. Be creative and find a source of outlet for your talent.

Now let us see the enemies of our cynosure

Enemy No.1–The unfocused life

Entertainment, repetitive mundane work, pleasing others and going on thinking without taking any actions. You may not be able to concentrate on only your goal. A million other things may be happening in your life. Yet resolve to take one baby step everyday towards your chosen goal

Enemy No.2 – Wrong motives

- If the focal point of your life is pleasing people and getting a satisfied ego; then good luck with your quest for a happy life. Be a thoroughbred. Wear your blinders and simply run your race. Don’t look left or right

- Money - The only thing that I have noticed about people running after money is – they look very old for their age. They can easily talk to you about – BP, Diabetes and other health concerns on their 31st birthday. Makes me wonder if they are hurting themselves to earn money to provide for treatment for the hurt in their later years :( Money is a very poor motivator. It can drive you crazy. Just do what you are best at doing with all your heart. Be content with whatever money comes to you, live within those means. The blinders can help you here too. Simply don't compare anything that you cannot take beyond your coffin

A Friend of your life’s focal point is – A heart that is not afraid to love. A person pursuing after a worthwhile goal should be willing to love himself and the people around him. He should not lose his health or the time with his family and friends over the pursuit of his goal. He then would be a robot and the beauty of being human is lost. Such a life is worth nothing although tangible results may be seen. A person, who has learned to love much, accomplishes marvelous things in his life. So anchor your heart with God as He is love and this anchor cannot be shaken by any amount of life’s storms and focus your mind on what delights you

The advantage of the focused life is life’s difficulties will not bring you down as much as it does a person who lives a distracted life. Aim for quality and not quantity to fill your life, one day at a time. Lastly, try hard till you are finished, not with yourself but with the task you’ve undertaken. God bless.


  1. hey...dis one is really good...i showed it to my frnds nd they liked it to too..keep writing lady :)i wanna meet u one day :)

    1. Wow.. That's great dear. I am glad your friends liked my blog. Your feedback always encourages me. I sincerely hope God has planned our meeting some day :) Hows the Navy life treating you?.. Keep in touch dear. God bless.

  2. mam..i need ur help.i'm coward person.i am afaraid of everybody nd underestimate my self..i want to get rid of dis habit bt unable to.can u please write something about it

    1. As I always say - "The first step in coming out of a situation is the decision to not be in it anymore". You are already on the road to being a Confident woman. I will write about what you've mentioned, in my next post.(Thanks for providing me a topic) Do check in after a while :)
