Sunday 7 April 2013


A dream makes life worthwhile. But there is a negative energy in this earth that makes people think – It is better not to try, than to try and fail.

I read this quote once – If you have no hope to win before you start, you have already failed. No hope for a win drains the drive required to try new things. 

Imagine 1 = Success and 0 = Failure.

The equations are

1)    If we try and win
Dream x (hardwork & everything working in our favor) = 1
2)    If we try and lose
Dream x (something went wrong) = 0
3)    If we don’t try at all
Dream x (nothing) = 0

Not having the courage to start the project is = failure putting on the robe of false-safety. 

If you dare to try and then you fail. A Mighty Challenge faces your soul – Are you going to continue in the race or sit in the sidelines? (It is easier to sit in the sidelines and watch the non-quitters run – while occasionally passing comments / feeling mighty jealous of them and calling them heartless for not giving you company / wishing with ALL your heart that you were there on the track feeling alive.) If you take up the Mighty Challenge you have made an awesome choice. And when you consistently make that choice you become someone amazing, someone beyond the ordinary. THAT in itself is success. And actual success cannot elude you any further.

There is a twist to the story here. The normal race has competitors competing. But the race of life is NOT relative. We have unique tracks. That is why we should never compare our lives nor pass judgment on one another. This can easily sidetrack anyone, that they lose sight of their destiny and instead join the "rat-race".That is a pitfall to watch out for. 

Once you have overcome the beginner’s fear, continued having a good attitude and stayed on three fourths of the race then comes another challenge – You have to finish the race. A ¾ win is no win at all. Whatever it is you are pursuing – DON’T QUIT. See it till the end. 

The negative energy I mentioned earlier will make you think you have had enough. Don’t listen to it. Every human being who finished his/her race is a huge blow on this negative energy (and it grows less in strength). Talk about leaving a better earth for our kids! There isn't a better legacy for our children than showing them how TO DREAM and that success is actually spelled P-E-R-S-E-V-E-R-A-N-C-E. 

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