The word “leader” always invokes
a mental image of a very strong person, looking determinedly into the horizon.
He has a purpose and a lot of people working towards a common cause.
Well he’s not the one I am
talking about. I am talking about normal people like you and me.
My first definition of a leader
is a person who can bring out the best in people including his/her own self.
That is, they go and take charge of their future, put in maximum efforts and
thrust into the journey towards their goal.
This I assumed was a good enough
definition of a leader. But was it?
Many strong people who have everything by the world’s definition are
wrecks inside simply because they have no hope. They crave for love and
encouragement but sadly receive very little. The world around us doesn’t
function this way any longer. People don’t always give us love and
encouragement. Many people don’t have the time or the inclination. And many
don’t know what we are undergoing and hence they remain aloof. So, that means
we have to look for a constant source
of love and encouragement. And Thank God that He has provided that, just the
same way He has provided oxygen, food, water and sleep.
God Himself is the source for
Love. The Bible says, For God so loved
the world He gave His only begotten son to die for us, so that whoever believes
in Him may not perish but have eternal life. This is just one of the six
hundred and odd verses that talk about love in the Bible. I am convinced that
God is madly in love with you and me. :) But sometimes we may not always feel His love. So, mark out people who
love you. Stay in constant touch with these people so you don’t run out of your
supply of love. This is a conscious choice, because we tend to give more
attention to people who trample us and take people who love us for granted;
when it should have been the other way round.
The second basic necessity of
life encouragement can also be received from God. The next person who must
encourage you all the time is – yourself. After all you spend maximum time with
yourself more than anybody else. So when you get up in the morning don’t wait
for something inspiring to happen. Or something exciting to come
and hit you so you feel happy. More
often than not there are more things to bring you down than there are to lift
you up. So it is your responsibility to
have a positive attitude.
It is also nice if you can take
the responsibility to help people around you to gain a positive attitude. This will definitely make you a leader. So
in addition to my definition - A leader
is also “A person who can plant hope
right into the hearts of the people who seek” (Dr.
David Yonggi Cho in the book 4th dimensional living in a 3
dimensional world).
So you who are reading this –
check yourself. Mark out the people who you can influence and make it your
everyday habit to bless them, plant hope in their hearts, give them a sense of
purpose in their lives, and don’t forget to do all of the above to your own
self, too. Many want to follow but few are born to lead. How about you?