Every individual in this
world is valuable because he/she is a unique creation of God. No two people can
be exactly alike on this earth.
That means YOU ARE ONE OF A
KIND in 7 billion people.
God created you and put you
here on earth to be you. If God wanted you to be someone else, He simply would
have made you that person. So, self esteem should come naturally to you and in fact
God expects you to feel good about yourself.
Two Self Esteem Killers
Comparison with others
Useful work gets done ONLY if we refuse to compare ourselves with each other. God
must be as amused seeing humans compare themselves, as we would be if Dory and
Marlin forget their quest to find Nemo and instead start bickering over whose
fins look longer and color is catchier and some such nonsense
can enter a woman very easily. Parents can instill it in us, older siblings or
irresponsible care givers, dominating teachers, controlling fathers, mothers or
fathers in law, mothers in law, male chauvinistic fathers or husbands, the list
is endless. Yet the answer to it remains the same – You cannot allow fear to
continue ruling your life.
To come out of something that has long
haunted us we must define it in a way that makes us hate it. So my personal
definition of fear is – Inability to enjoy life
is a true story - If a fearful person goes to the beach all he can think about
is the car getting stolen or a sudden tsunami. If a fearful person gets married
all she can think about is whether her husband will stay with her or leave her.
If she goes to a party she would be worried whether her dress looks fine or if
everyone likes her and so on and on and on.
I don’t want to live like a scared Chicken
all my life. I want to be bold and free like an Eagle. The choice lies in my
hand as it does in yours.
Few Pointers..
1) Avoid
people who mistreat you. The basic human right is – Live and let live. If this
is violated we are hardly a civilization. Continue to respect and help such
people BUT never give them the chance to pollute your mind. (That is – by holding
any grudge or thoughts of revenge)
2) Try
to overcome unnatural fears that strike at times. Eg: If you are afraid to do
something, simply do it even if you feel afraid. Once the job gets done there
is no ground for the fear to stay
3) Keep
a tab on your thoughts. Negative thoughts are addictive just like harmful
drugs. I try to think Bible verses as much as possible whenever I catch myself
thinking negatively
4) It
is good to come out of your little world and help others. People around you
also have fear, pain and frustration just like you. Help them and in the
process you will be uplifted
5) Do
something new every day. Shake things up. Let adventure be your middle name
6) Don’t
fear man. People sometimes behave like buffoons ready to jump through rings
that others hold out for them. They can put up with a lot of nonsense dished
out to them. Please do know that other people also have FAULTS. So how
are they better than you?
7) Don’t
be an average in many things. Be amazing in one thing. (Recap post named – “Focus”)
8) Take
your baby steps in overcoming fear. It won’t be easy. You may trip a lot just
like babies do. But eventually you will experience the freedom that accompanies
courage and optimism. You will be a soaring eagle too
Always remember Self Esteem
is your birthright.
(I hope I can write some
more on this topic as I continue to learn. My sincere prayer is - No one reading
this blog should lack self esteem or miss enjoying the wonderful gift called
life. I am more than happy to answer any questions you might have. Do continue
writing in and bolster my Self Esteem too ;) )