Thursday 29 November 2012

Indian Navy Home Makers – Part 2

Women seem to be very bubbly and cheerful UNTIL they become Home Makers. What goes wrong after that? 

Women in India lose their identity in their families. They are by nature very caring and giving.  The problem is they don’t know where to stop. Home makers in particular live a very frustrated life. I think partly the reason is they have lost their sense of being a separate person.

 Marriage brings in added responsibility. MAINTAINING A HOME IS THE MOST TIRING UNRECOGNIZED JOB PROFILE. The work doesn’t give you soul satisfaction. I don’t mean that all of us should hand over our house keys to our maids and go work in an office. I am saying find out about the beautiful woman you see in the mirror. Marriage is important. Maintaining a good married relationship is VERY important. But maintain your individuality as well. 

Soul satisfaction comes only from doing the thing you were created for. For instance, a woman with an intellectual bent of mind won’t be happy with cooking and child care alone. She would also love to learn new things. A woman with an artistic bent of mind will love to paint and decorate her home and so on. You get my point. So it is very important to find out what gives you most happiness and go after it. I am assuming the reader is an Indian Navy wife. Indian Navy takes good care of its employees so you won’t be under obligation to add to the family coffers. Go ahead and find out what you are created for and go after it. 

In finding about our own self, I found an article by Mr.Arun Barath very useful. I am sharing a part of it here. Take time when your mind is free and answer the following questions. 

1)            What kind of a person am I?
2)           What will give me lasting joy or sorrow?
3)           What do I love to do? What do I hate doing?
4)           What do I need to achieve to be successful?
5)           What opinion should others hold about me?
6)           What are my strengths? What are my weaknesses?
7)            Who is my inspiration? Why?
8)            Whose life should mine be similar to?

Once you have answered these questions remove from them things that are impractical. Take a fresh page and write down what you have found about yourself. Now that you know the destination, find out the route. Keep the note safe. Whenever life shifts into a rut mode go back to it and renew your mind and realign yourself. 

Keep reading. Hope this series helps someone out there.


  1. Thank you for your very kind words :) Loneliness can be a looming monster. I will write more on this in my upcoming posts. I faced loneliness by focusing on all that I COULD accomplish instead of focusing on all that I missed along with my hubby dearest. Raising my child, reading my favorite authors, being the best volunteer in town and (in way-too-down-in-the-dumps days) visiting places that were close to my heart :) If I had not had my child by then I would have added ‘Higher Studies’ also to this cocktail of activities. ALL THIS couldn’t fill the void of loneliness but it helped me pass the time quickly and be cheerful when the ships came back. It takes a lot to go through loneliness. But tough situations make a person – Dynamic, Self-Sufficient, Bold, Astute and Proactive. This is like enduring the mountain trail to enjoy the spectacular view on top :) Every Naval lady who goes through loneliness and comes out stronger definitely deserves a Bravo Zulu !
